Thursday, August 2, 2012

Off the Road

Well folks, we're safely at Grandma and Grandpa Tuckers'! Here's some of what we learned along the way:

1. Always drive with Benadryl, towels, Fabreeze and a bucket. And, gas station sponge baths are not the end of the world, or a trip. Life goes on.

2. Always bring stickers. When she wasn't queasy, Paige was pretty happy, but a sticker book that can entertain her for 3 hours is always a plus. (I think there's a baby back there!)

3. While the super cheap motels are livable, paying an extra $20 to forgo the funny smells and sticky floors is probably worth it.

4. Des Moines is really pretty. West Virginia is gorgeous.Wow.

5. These two are my favorite travel companions ever.

6. I'm okay with not eating beef jerky or powerade for a while. Yes, I am.


  1. I'm glad you guys made it! And yes, we miss you already.

  2. Road trips. The ultimate learning experience. Glad you landed safe.
