Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A Walk in the Park

Because Paige's preschool is down where we want to live in a month instead of where we live now, it's a half hour drive each way and not really gas/time effective to come back home in between. So most of the time I take these two wiggly girls to the park for a couple hours. They don't seem to mind too much.

They're getting really good at going down the slide.  Boo stays at the bottom until I hold her hand to walk back over to the stairs, cause crawling on wood chips is no fun.

Anna doesn't usually face-plant... Sometimes other moms come up to me and tell me that just watching me watch two little toddlers gives them anxiety. I don't really know how to respond to that.

Also, we enjoyed Conference last week, but I confess that I didn't get as much out of it as I did before I was a parent.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update on your amazing Rugrats! Smile overload. :D
