Tuesday, March 10, 2009

doing the do

though jeff's been complaining about his hair for a while, and saying that he'd be willing to let me cut it, it was conveniently an inconvenient time to do it whenever we were around a buzzer and scissors. after a lot of badgering, i finally got him to go under the knife this weekend.

we're both pretty happy with the results. so are jeff's socks.


  1. I like having Amanda cut my hair. She's getting pretty good. It was rough at first though because she was so nervous about messing up that no actual cutting took place. We got frustrated at each other until I took the buzzer and started doing my own until she took it away and repaired the damage.

  2. I don't mind Raylyn cutting my hair. But honestly prefer having a bald head instead.

  3. MUCH IMPROVED! He needed that BAD! Great job Becca. You clean up well Jeff!

  4. I think it's much easier to repair the damage Joseph does to his own hair than to try to do a regular haircut.

  5. Well at least you guys don't have to cut your husband's hair EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!! Plus it has to be perfectly short (no long ones anywhere) and macho (what ever that means). I'd just once like Jared to try to blend from a 0 to a 3. It's impossible!

  6. Hi Rebecca! Thanks for stopping by. I really like the look of your page. It appears to me that Jeff got through the haircut just fine. Gordon survived my efforts and I was able to trim my boys until they thought they got too big for mom to do it. Tell Jeff and his socks, "hi!"
