Friday, March 6, 2009


school is vicious. and needy. and clingy for that matter. it makes for a love-hate relationship. i love going to class and learning new things, i even like homework, but it's such a time-consuming affair. i get to the point yesterday where i was reading and i would read a page and wake up five minutes later, even though i was interested in the story line. it made me sad at midnight to read the spark notes and go to bed (leaving the dishes and laundry still not done, but those never seem as pressing as homework even though they drive me crazy). books are so demanding. i could pass the class just from skimming the chapters fast and reading spark notes, but i want to learn it...
i was sitting in class today listening to a guest lecture, and i started thinking, "there's no way the year i have left is going to be enough for what i want, what i need to know." the natural conclusion then is grad school. fiends! tricked me into coming to college with the hopes of learning, sapping my time, money, and sink space. don't believe them when they say "it's just a four year degree." it's a vicious scholastic cycle and i can't get away. i want to say, "leave me alone and let me do my dishes!" but i know that mere suds won't satisfy me. i'm hooked.


  1. There is hope! I'm on the patch, slowly making my way through the "degree". Working and going to school at the same time is certainly not the way to become rich, but I DO like it. It's way simple, too. You just take the knowledge that they give you in school, and apply. After you've had your fill, feel free to throw it away and get some more. :)
    ... my arm has no more hair on it.

  2. why is it that your arm has no hair?

  3. I have to agree with Nathan. After 7 years of college and 12 of full-time work I've finally had enough. I loved going to school and I really liked work but I'm at a point in my life where I don't miss it one bit. Maybe I'll go back someday when the kids are gone...maybe not.
