A couple layers of spray paint and some googly-eyes later, we had:
I was a little bit afraid that Paige wouldn't want to hit the penguin after we'd spent the day building and painting him, but she couldn't wait for her turn to take a swing at it. Candy still wins over sentimentality, I guess.
We went youngest to oldest. Emma could barely lift the sword.
Anna gave it a couple good swings, but no dice.
We probably should have had the boys go last. Trae broke it open when we still had the two oldest girls to go. Because it was a fast project for a group of littles, it was a pretty thin pinata. One more layer of paper would have been a nice addition.
Even so, it was a good day. Feliz Cinco de Mayo!
Fun way to celebrate. Very cool penguin and you didn't even need to go to Antarctica to get it. Candy has never come out of the penguins I've seen.