Wednesday, September 26, 2012

New Stuffs!

It's been a quiet week on this side of the country. For the most part, we're doing expensive and stressful, but boring things like registering our car and filling out leasing agreements.

Grandma Tucker took me shopping for my birthday and I got some new jeans and a pair of Chacos!
I suddenly feel like a cool kid.
Speaking of cool kids, this one got some new shoes too! She was cooking up a storm tonight. We're eating pretty well lately, though we might want to check if the steak and eggs are BPA free.
 She's stylish too! I'm rarely allowed to pick out her clothes for her anymore. 
 And that's the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and the children are all above average. Have a good week everybody!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Gone Fishin'

For Labor Day, Grandpa took us fishing at Piney Run!
When Paige wasn't playing on the slides near the shore, she had fun looking at Grandpa's lures. Especially the worms.
For a while we thought that we weren't going to catch anything, but after leaving his pole in the water for a minute to go play with Paige, Jeff proudly stated that he'd caught the first fish. Gutsy little guy too, going after a lure almost as big as himself.
I was lucky enough to claim the second fish of the night. The first fish I've baited, cast and reeled in all by myself! I'll teach him to run off with all my bait.

Paige said it was a talking fish, so we put it back in hopes of getting a wish. We're still waiting to hear back...
We didn't end up with anything to take home for dinner, but it sure made for a fun day! Thanks, Grandpa!