Sunday, March 29, 2015


Emma and Paige have been working on some big milestones lately, and making some big steps, both literally and figuratively:
Look at how fast she's going! Making turns! And on a slippery floor! That's my girl!

Paige now takes her turn reading scriptures every night, and reads everything she can find! This is my 4-year-old.
Anna is here and we love her too, she's just too fast to catch most of the time.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Knock Knock

Paige discovered jokes lately, and has been making up her own. Her favorite one for a long time was, "Real cheese can't carry a bean!" and later, "Don't meet a stranger by falling in love!" We've been trying to teach her some jokes are a little less cryptic. It's pretty funny.

The littles decided to give it a go too:

Hopefully our door doesn't fall down from all this knocking. Silly girls.

Belated Valentines

I meant to post these right after Valentine's day, but I forgot. At any rate, after being pirates all winter, I decided we should do pirate Valentines. Yo! Ho! Ho!